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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

IB (International Baccalaureate)


The International Baccalaureate Diploma is an international program of courses and exams offered at the high school level. In keeping with Senate Bill 111 passed in 2005, Collin will grant credit for students who have received an IB Diploma or Certificate, with IB exams scores of a 4 or higher.

Collin will award up to 75% of your degree (approximately 45 hours) of course-specific college credit in subject appropriate areas on all IB exams with scores of 4 or above.

Students must have an official IB transcript sent to Collin College.

Credit earned by examination may not be earned in any course for which the student has previously received a grade, either at this institution or elsewhere. (Grades of 'F' and 'W' are included)

Obtain your IB Score Report here.

A student must have successfully completed 3 semester hours of credit (developmental courses not included) at Collin College within the past 5 years to have non-traditional credit applied to their record.

Students requiring more information on the above program should contact the Testing Office by email at



International Baccalaureate (IB) Courses Accepted for Credit at Collin College
Subject Collin Course
Theater Arts DRAM1310 3
Visual Arts ARTS1301 3
Biology (SL) BIOL1406 4
Biology (HL) BIOL1406-1407 8
Business and Economics
Business and Management BUSI1301 3
Economics ECON2301-2302 6
Chemistry (SL) CHEM1411 4
Chemistry (HL) CHEM1411-1412 8
English A Language & Literature (SL) ENGL1301-1302 6
English Language (SL) ENGL1301-1302 6
English A Language & Literature (HL) ENGL1301-1302 6
English Language (HL) ENGL1301-1302 6
History of the Americas (HL) HIST1301-1302 6
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation (SL) MATH1332 3
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation (HL) MATH1332 & MATH1342 6
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (SL) MATH1314 OR MATH1324 3
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL) Score of a 4-5

MATH1314 OR MATH1324,


MATH2412 OR MATH1325

6 or 7
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL) Score of 6 or higher

MATH1314 OR MATH1324,


MATH2412 OR MATH1325,



10 or 11
Mathematical Studies (SL) MATH1325 3
Mathematics (HL) MATH1314, & MATH1316 6
Mathematics with Further Mathematics (HL) MATH1314, MATH1316 & MATH1342 9
Mathematical Methods (HL) historical only MATH2413 4
Modern Languages A1, A2, or B (SL)
French FREN1411-1412 8
German GERM1411-1412 8
Russian RUSS1411-1412 8
Spanish SPAN1411-1412 8
Modern Languages A1, A2, or B (HL)
French FREN1411-1412, 2311-2312 14
German GERM1411-1412, 2311-2312 14
Russian RUSS1411-1412, 2311-2312 14
Spanish SPAN1411-1412, 2311-2312 14
Language AB Initio
French FREN1411 4
German GERM1411 4
Russian RUSS1411 4
Spanish SPAN1411 4
Music MUSI1306, 1311 6
Physics (SL) PHYS1401 4
Physics (HL) PHYS1401-1402 8
Social Sciences
Philosophy PHIL1301 3
Psychology PSYC2301 3
Social and Cultural Anthropology ANTH2351 3